Ancient Wisdom for Troubled Times

In the Presence of the Old Ones with Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner
September 15-17, 2017
Friday 5 pm – Sunday 2 pm
Rolling Ridge Study Retreat

I too was a stranger at first in this dark dripping forest perched at the edge of the sea, but I sought out an elder, my Sitka Spruce grandmother with a lap wide enough for many grandchildren. I introduced muyself, told her my name and why I had come. -- Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

We live in a time of intense turmoil — social, political, and planetary. But the deeper conflict is at the level of soul. We have lost the ancient wisdom of soul and nature, and so we have lost our way in the world. How can we recover this wisdom for our people?

In this retreat we return to ancient ways: through wandering on the land, ceremony and council, listening to dreams and stories, we will seek the wisdom of our earth elders and our ancestors. May they grant us these gifts:

  • not only solace, but to be transformed
  • not only dreams, but to be dreamt
  • not to shape the natural world, but to let it shape us 

Leaders: Jim Hall and Cheryl Hellner, longtime associates of Rolling Ridge Study Retreat, have apprenticed nature-based soulwork through numerous programs for many years. 

This retreat will be held at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat House, a seven bedroom cabin in a wilderness setting near Harpers Ferry, WV. The retreat begins at 5 pm on Friday and concludes with lunch on Sunday. Fee for the retreat is $280 and includes lodging, six meals, and program. Two people registering together and choosing to share a room may pay a reduced fee of $230 each. Camping further reduces the fee to $210 . Scholarships are available. For more information email Lindsay at

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