Quiet Days Apart: Springtime Newness and Resurrection Possibility

A year of new mini-retreats for 2012 with Trish Stefanik at Priest Field Pastoral Center
April 28, 2012 (also planned June 30, August 18, October 20, December 1)
Priest Field Pastoral Center in West Virginia

Sisters of Mercy foundress Catherine McAuley once said: "We have one solid source of happiness in all our journeying - we can keep our hearts fixed on God."

But how can we do that? Busyness fills most of our days, and many things pull at our hearts. Jesus knew this. And that is why he himself repeatedly went off to a quiet place apart to be able to fully engage with others in his life and ministry. We are encouraged to do the same: "Come away…and rest a while" (Mark 6:31).

Retreat gives us the opportunity to prayerfully reflect on who we are and where we are, and tap into the wellspring of the Spirit for guidance and wisdom. Our God-given gifts and call are unique to each one of us; but for all of us, it takes time in silence and prayerful reflection for these to be nurtured.

Take advantage of this opportunity to revitalize your soul throughout the year. Each day will include brief reflections in the larger group around the themes inspired by the seasons in nature and the church. There will be plenty of spaciousness for silence, solitude, and taking in the beauty of our surroundings.

Our time will also include small group reflection and opportunities to creatively engage with the themes through lectio divina and other forms of prayer as well as through simple art and writing practices.

Join with other journeying men and women to help stay connected to the Heart of our lives. Let's encourage each other to be attentive, discerning, and compassionate day in and day out.

These quiet days of retreat will be held 9:30 am - 3:30 pm on a Saturday every other month: February 18, April 28, June 30, August 18, October 20, December 1.

You are invited to participate in all or any number of the days. Our guide is Trish Stefanik, a contemplative retreat leader who led our twelve Saturday morning mini-retreats last year. Cost is $30 per retreat*, which includes lunch. You must register at least one week in advance, given the need to arrange for program materials and food.

To register, call 304-725-1435 or email priestfieldpc@aol.com and send a $10 deposit to: Priest Field Pastoral Center, 4030 Middleway Pike, Kearneysville, WV 25430

* If you are in need of a scholarship, please let us know. We are committed to making our retreats available to all people. For directions and to learn more about Priest Field, see our website: www.priestfield.org. For those interested, Mass will be celebrated at 8:45 am in the chapel.