Waiting in Darkness, Carrying the Light

Transition, Loss, Grief and Healing
December 5-7, 2008
Retreat House

Waiting in Darkness,
Carrying the Light:
Transition, Loss, Grief and Healing

An Advent Spirituality Retreat
at Rolling Ridge
With Janelle Rhorer and Jackie Sabath
Friday December 5 -
Sunday December 7, 2008


Truly it is in darkness that one
finds the Light.
So when we are in sorrow,
then the Light is nearest to all of us.
— Meister Eckhart
Someone I loved once gave me
a box full of darkness.
It took me years to understand
that this, too, was a gift.
— Mary Oliver

As the season of darkness expands, the Light shines even brighter. If you are searching in darkness for the Light, struggling with a transition or loss of any kind, join us for an Advent weekend to be still, to listen, to engage your story, to hold both joy and sorrow in the Light of compassion and communion. In the sacred space of near-winter forest we will work with the transformative process of grief — the mystery of holding fast and letting go — through story, silence, readings, music, art and the beauty of the natural world. And perhaps we will glean insight about the gift in that box full of darkness.

Participants are welcome to arrive at the Retreat House between 5 and 7 pm on Friday night. Dinner will be served at 7 pm. The retreat will end with lunch on Sunday. Cost for the weekend is $100. Scholarships are available. Send a $25 deposit to reserve your space. Checks should be made payable to Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community (RRSRC) and mailed to Jackie Sabath, 129 Jubilee Lane, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425. Please let us know if you have any special dietary or other needs. For more information call or email Jackie Sabath at 304-261-2653, jsabath@rollingridge.net.

Janelle Rhorer is a Pastoral Counselor in-training at Loyola College and has been coming to retreats at Rolling Ridge for several years.

Jackie Sabath lives and works at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community and is a licensed Pastoral Counselor in WV and MD.