Seeking Beauty

December 1-2, 2006
Friday 7:00 pm - Saturday 7:00 pm
Retreat House

A work of becoming human is to seek qualities which are thought of as beautiful. This idea is applied to a wide variety of experiences with nature and with items created by humans. Much diverse literature and our common language point us toward this insight. If imagination fosters a desire to create beauty, then to fail to cultivate it in each person diminishes a community. In this retreat we seek to understand and to celebrate this indispensable and sometimes misunderstood element of being human.

The retreat has been designed by five persons, and each will share insight on beauty as noted below. All retreat registrants will be mailed a brief reader on selected aspects of the theme. During retreat all participants are encouraged to share both their learnings as well as samples of their personal creative works in any medium.

  • Understandings of Beauty — beauty's magnetism, beauty as sacrifice, beauty which derives from loss, beauty's transcendental quality and relation to nature — Phil Bufithis
  • Discovering Beauty Following Personal Loss — Barkley Sutherland
  • Experiencing Beauty in both Simplicity and Complexity — Vivian Headings
  • Imagination's Urge To Create — Verle Headings
  • The Beautiful Nature of God as Experienced in Contemplative Prayer and Practice — Trish Stefanik

This is a 24-hour retreat beginning with Friday evening dinner through Saturday evening dinner. The cost is $50.

For more information and to register contact Vivian at or phone at 304-725-4172.