Reflections Hike

At the Friends Wilderness Center
December 28, 2005
Arrive between 11-11:45 am, have lunch, hike 1-4:00 pm
Friends Wilderness Center

This is great way to reflect on the past year and prepare for the new year!

Come join us for a three hour hike through deep forest up to Raven Rocks, a gorgeous valley overlook. Come before noon and enjoy the cabin and fire and good folks. Join in a home cooked lunch ($5) at noon followed by a hike ($10 donation please) starting at 1:00pm. One half hour of hike will be in silence for reflecting on your past year, new year. Open to hikers 12 and older. Event will be cancelled in event of bad weather. No rain date.

The Friends Wilderness Center is a Quaker retreat center within a remarkable private wilderness preserve. Two hours west of downtown DC, outside Charles Town, West Virginia.

See for details, especially the "Essential Info" section. Call Sheila at 304-728-4820 to register in advance as group is limited to 12 hikers. Staying overnight in cabin or yurt is an option.