Prepare Yeast the Way

An Intergeneration Advent Bread-Baking Retreat
December 2-3, 2005
Friday, 6pm - Saturday, 6 pm
Retreat House

The smell of bread baking. A warm fire. Children. The woods in winter. Stories. A bit of yeast. Waiting.

If this tempts your soul, come away to this bread-baking retreat at the beginning of the Advent season. Together we will mix up the bread dough, let it rise, shape it into loaves and bake it. (Beginners and experienced bread-bakers alike are welcome.) Throughout we will hear special stories for all ages, and reflect on the season of waiting. There will also be free time for resting, meditating, and walks in the early winter woods. We hope you can join us!

The retreat will last 24 hours, beginning Friday evening, Dec. 2 at 6:30 pm and concluding Saturday evening, Dec. 3 at 6:30 pm. This retreat is inter-generational -- children ages seven and up are welcome, as are any adults, with or without children.

For more information, please e-mail or call Rachelle at the contact information listed below. To register, please contact us at the address listed below. Let us know who is coming, your contact information (address, phone, email), and any special dietary needs.

The registration fee is $50 for adults, $30 for children and youth ages 7-18. Checks may be made payable to: Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community or RRSRC. Fee covers all (4) meals, lodging and bread-baking materials.