Pilgrimage to the Heart

The Jesus Prayer
June 2-3, 2006
Led by Georgia DuBose and Donald Krickbaum
Retreat House

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy on me."

ROLLING RIDGE STUDY RETREAT CENTER has designed a 24-hour opportunity for spiritual growth in an experience of contemplative community.

It is said of St. Francis of Assissi and St. Seraphim of Sarov that they were prayer. They lived out the apostle Paul's exhortation to us to "pray without ceasing."

In this 24 hour pilgrimage, we will learn about the Jesus Prayer, also known as the Prayer of the Heart, from the life experience of two retreat leaders who have been actively working with the Jesus Prayer for the past thirty years. We will learn a way of practicing the prayer that connects it with the daily experience of our embodied humanity.

WHO IS IT FOR? It is for anyone who wishes to explore their own spiritual development.

WHAT WILL TAKE PLACE? The schedule provides for:

  • Short talks on the Jesus Prayer followed by guided practice
  • Learning how to encorporate the Jesus Prayer into a walking meditation
  • Reflection on some short articles from experienced practitioners of the prayer distributed before the retreat
  • Extended periods of silence to allow each retreatant time to develop the Jesus Prayer within themselves
  • Learning to use a "prayer rope" with the Jesus Prayer
  • Simple physical exercises to deepen body awareness
  • Keeping the monastic hours with contemplative worship in the Meditation Shelter
  • Conversation with other retreat participants during meal times
  • Time for rest, meditation, personal reflection, hikes along a mountain stream or through a secluded wooded path
  • Simple and nourishing home cooked meals from the Rolling Ridge garden


  • Georgia DuBose is a Deacon in the Nelson Cluster Episcopal Regional Ministries in Jefferson County, West Virginia. She first worked with the Jesus Prayer when she was 16, and after meeting a teacher with extensive experience with the prayer, began to practice it regularly in 1976.
  • Donald Krickbaum is an Episcopal priest, retired Dean of Trinity Cathedral, Miami, Florida, spiritual director and formation teacher, and a program leader at Shalem, an ecumenical Christian teaching community dedicated to the support of contemplative living and leadership.


  • Begins Friday, June 2, 2006, with registration at 5:30 pm, dinner at 6:30 pm
  • Concludes Saturday night, June 3, 2006, after supper
  • Optional stay Saturday night through Sunday lunch for those who wish to schedule their own private retreat. Please plan on bringing your own food for this extended stay.



We only have room for 15 participants. Reserve your space by sending $25 to the address listed below. Make checks out to Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community. Let us know if you have special dietary or lodging requirements. For more information, contact Bob Sabath.


Contrary to popular belief, spirituality is not something special or extraordinary. It is instead absolutely ordinary and completely natural. Everyone has a spiritual life. We express it in many different ways -- not only in places of worship but also in work, community and family, in all our creativity and commitments. This desire for the Holy in our lives is our willingness to be drawn to God through whatever is before us and to let God co-create every moment -- to let God "in" on everything -- to listen for and trust God's presence.

"For the past six months, I have been exploring the Jesus Prayer, a tool used in early monastic communities for developing sustained connection to self and God in the present moment."

The Jesus Prayer has been practiced by many over the centuries and has helped them to experience the Holy One in the unfolding of all life events."

I have learned a lot from Georgia DuBose who has been actively working with the Jesus Prayer for the past 30 years, and from Don Krickbaum who has become a good friend and wise guide for me in developing a more consistent inner practice of prayer." -- Bob Sabath