For Our Children to Know

An ecological integrity retreat for parents, grandparents, teachers, mentors and the children they love
Mother's Day Weekend, May 7-8, 2004
Friday night 7 pm - Saturday night 7 pm

For our children to know the earth they will need time for outdoor adventure, frequent immersion in the living scripture of the earth--both in their own backyards and in wilder more spacious places--and they will need a loving adult companion with whom they can share their insights, discoveries, fears and questions.

We live in a time when our children have less and less direct experience with the living earth. But for most of our evolution as a species, our children grew up with their hands in the clay earth, their ears filled with the sound of wind and storm, their eyes filled with the movement of clouds, sun and moon. If our children today grow up with less and less direct experience of God's creation, what will they know of God?

Why do we have such a wonderful idea of God? Because we live in such a gorgeous world. If we had lived on the moon, for example, our sense of the divine would reflect the lunar landscape. Imagination is required for religious development. What would there be to imagine if we lived on the moon? -- by Thomas Berry, Befriending the Earth.

On Mother's Day weekend, this 24-hour retreat is designed for pairs of one adult and one child (ages 6-12). In addition, other adults may wish to come who would like to reflect on the experiences of their inner child and their intimacy with God through God's creation.

This retreat will include:

  • a campfire time of stories and songs celebrating the living earth
  • star gazing in the open field
  • time for adults to reflect together on selected readings on this theme
  • time for children to explore the land as a small group
  • each adult/child pair to be together and to choose their own adventure/experience on the land
  • making a nature journal with maps, drawings, plant pressings, observations, stories, poems, etc.
  • a reading nook for book, stories, field guides, etc. for both adults and children

Lodging will be at the Retreat House and Pinestone House. There is an option to camp if you would like. The leaders are Jim Hall, Cheryl Hellner, and Vivian Headings. For more information and to register for the retreat, you may email or call Vivian at 304-725-4172.