Dreamers of the Earth

Sixth Annual Gathering
November 5-7, 2004
Friday 6 pm - Sunday 2:30 pm
Retreat House

The Heart of Christianity
in Dialogue With
The Heart of the Earth

Co-Sponsored by Dayspring Earth Ministry
and Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community

How can we re-envision the Christian story in ways that make room for, and welcome, the insights of modern science, and all that cosmologists are calling, "the new story of the universe?" How will this enlarged understanding affect the way we preach, use scripture, and live on the earth? In this gathering we will reflect together on these questions, guided by the wisdom of Thomas Berry, Marcus Borg, and Barbara Taylor.

One of the foremost voices for reclaiming the sacred dimension of the universe in our time is Thomas Berry, Passionist Priest, and author of Dream of the Earth, The Universe Story, and The Great Work. A few of the key principles he finds embedded in the universe are the following:

  • The universe is a contiually evolving drama of which the human is a recent part, not a once-created stage on which the human drama takes place.
  • Creation around us is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects.
  • The role of the human is to be in a mutually-enhancing relationship with the rest of creation, not in an exploitive, destructive relationship.

Marcus Borg, biblical scholar and popular speaker, in his recent book, The Heart of Christianity, describes two ways of being Christian -- the "earlier paradigm" and the "emerging paradigm". Can this emerging paradigm help us integrate the insights of Thomas Berry into our faith? In The Luminous Web by Prof. Barbara Taylor we will read personal and moving essays relating science and religion.

Through conversation, silence, prayer, and listening to the earth at Rolling Ridge, we will engage head, heart, and soul in considering how our deep concern and passion for God's creation may speak through our faith to the needs of the planet and depen our intimacy with earth and its creator.

To register, or for more information, contact The Rev. Arthur ("Pat") Underwood (phone: 410-329-9097, e-mail: ahun@starpower.net. The retreat is co-sponsored by Dayspring Earth Ministry (contact Jim Hall, e-mail: jimhallmd@yahoo.com) and Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community (contact Verle and Vivian Headings, e-mail: vvatrr@juno.com). Registrants will be sent readings in advance.

Cost of the retreat (including lodging, 6 meals, and study materials) is $110 ($65 if tenting).