Be Still and Know

A Winter Day Away<br>Led by Ethel Hornbeck
A 24-hour Retreat January 16-17, 2004
7:00 pm Friday night - 7:00 pm Saturday Night
Retreat House

In this 24-hour retreat, we will explore various forms of listening prayer as suggested by ancient contemplative traditions, including prayer with breath, scripture, movement, and song. With a rhythm of words and silence, community and solitude, worship and leisure, explaining and experiencing, we will practice together different ways of slowing down and listening, of "being still and knowing God."

Four ancient spiritual practices will be explored through the day, with a short teaching presentation, opportunity for discussion, and time for individual and group practice:

  • breath prayer, using the practice of attentive stillness to explore the connection between our deepest heart desires and the biblical notion of unceasing prayer
  • body or movement prayer using a walking meditation through the stone labyrinth
  • song prayer using Taize chants in the meditation shelter
  • scripture prayer using the practice of lectio divina, reflecting together on a short biblical passage

Ethel has recently completed her Masters of Theological Studies from the Washington Theological Union in Washington, DC, with a concentration in Spirituality Studies. She is a graduate of the Shalem Institute's Spiritual Guidance Program, and is active in spiritual direction and retreat leading. She is a member of Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church where she offers leadership in music, education and worship programs.

Rolling Ridge is an ecumenical Christian study retreat community located on 1400 acres of wilderness near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, about two hours from Washington DC. Retreat events focus on spirituality, biblical studies, meditative arts, earthkeeping, peacemaking and community.

Plan to arrive in time for a 7:00 pm evening meal at the Rolling Ridge Retreat House. The retreat includes four meals and one night lodging. The cost of the retreat is $50 (partial scholarships available). An optional second night is available for those who wish to stay at the retreat house an extra day. Please add $10 to the retreat fee if you wish to do this.

To register for the event, or for more information, contact Bob Sabath, Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Community, RR 4 Box 314, Harpers Ferry, WV 25425. Phone: 304-724-6653. Email: Web: