Appalachian Trail Hike with Jim Hall and Rolling Ridge Community Staff

Saturday, May 15, 2004
9:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Keys Gap

The Appalachian Trail south of Harpers Ferry was the first section of the trail to be established south of New England. On this full-day hike we will begin at Keyes Gap (where Route 9 crosses the Blue Ridge) and finish at Rolling Ridge Study Retreat (total walking distance 12 miles, elevation gain 800 feet).

Along the way we will take time to enjoy the views and the beauty of the spring wildflowers, azaleas, and mountain laurel. We will search for nesting birds and other wildlife and listen to the stories of the ancient rock. Much of the trail is over rocky terrain and there are several short, but steep ascents; the last two miles is all downhill from the Ridge to Study Retreat, where a hearty dinner will await our arrival.

Jim Hall is an amateur naturalist and ecologist at the Dayspring Retreat Center near Washington and is a Rolling Ridge Study Retreat Board member. Contact Bob Sabath (304-724-6653) to confirm coming (we don't want to leave without you), and for last minute changes due to weather conditions.