
When all the strings of my life will be tuned,
then at every touch of Yours will come out
the music of love.

"Is there enough Silence for the Word to be heard?"

The music of our hearts and souls reflects our inner being -- for are we not the singer, the singing, and the song of our lives?  In the silence, we can listen to our unique melody -- the words and thones that arise, the harmonies and discords.  Perhaps we are ready to sing a new song. Perhaps we dance to the rhythm of our heart with delight. Note: the silences within our life's symphony make all the differences!

Blessed be, dear friends! Would that we each knew the amazing deep Truth of who we are and who we are called to be. We usually see but glimpses. Truth is with us. Truth is within us. May we prepare our hearts, souls, and mids to welcome Truth, to receive the Truth of our Being, moment by moment, day by day. Silent be and let the Truth set you free!

Friends, let us be blessed in this new Spring season! May Nature teach us the beauty of simplicity and wonder, authentic freedom and Beingness, acceptance and delight in each stage of life, and, the interdependence of our planetary community. May we pause from time to time, breathe in the silence, and let nature's gifts speak to us.

Blessed be, dear friends! We will never know how the quality of life has been enhanced in the world through our silence and prayer. Yet, may we continue to offer our silent prayer as seeds of healing and peace sown with radical trust. When the prayer energy of silence is united with Love, the soul consciousness of the world awakens in equal measure.

Warm loving greetings from the northern freeze! We live so we may learn to love; we love so we may learn to live. Mutual reciprocity. Delve into the Eternal Silence deep within your heart, home of the Divine Guest. There you will find Love and learn lessons of living. Blessed be!

Blessings of the New Year, the beginning of our 17th year of radiating silence out to the world. Let us envision our silences as energetic webs of Light penetrating the darkness as it blankets the globe. And, in the Silence may the Light ever illuminate our souls!

GREETINGS, dear friends! Have you thanked your angel recently? In our silences, may we ask to awaken to the angelic presences who protect and guide us throughout our lives, who delight in our conscious choice to learn to companion with them daily in the Service of Love.

WISHING YOU DEEP BLESSINGS in and of the Silence, dear friends! Listening in the Silence, we receive rest and renewal from the plethora of noise, words, and massive distractions in eery area of daily life. More than ever we NEED many quiet pauses during each day for our physical well-being, our peace of mind, and our spiritual nourishment. Wise are those who companion with Silence regularly. Let the still, small Voice within be a guide.

WARM AUTUMN GREETINGS, dear friends! every season is a new opportunity for soul-growth. As we enter our times of silence and prayer, may we be mindful that the condition of our planet is a reflection of the consciousness of the World-Soul. As our own soul grows in peace, harmony, and love, it radiates blessing to the World-Soul ... a daily gift we can offer to ALL.

BLESSINGS, dear friends! Welcome to a new season ... a time for letting go like the falling leaves of authumn ... a time to simplify, to pause in the silence of deep prayer and ask for guidance: i.e., "How would You have me best use the days of this season to Serve in your Dream for our world?" Then, listen for a word, Divine Hints that may surprise you ... and, trust, trust that you will live into the answer to your request as you hold the question in your heart.

Warm summer blessings, dear frinds. May you BEHOLD BEAUTY, her many faces, whever you may be. Pauses in silence an stillness with a gentle openness are invitations to heart and soul to recognize Her graces -- especially in unexpected places. Beauty: another name for the Divine.

WELCOME TO SUMMER, dear friends! Silence and music .. ebb and flow: the mystery of bird song and the silence that follows -- afterglow that warms the heart and sets us yearing for our own soul son.g Journey to the silene an music of your heart.

Peace be with you and within you, dear friends! How often do we spend a full hour in silence simply listening to the voice deep within our heart? How difficult this an be! Yt as we embrace times of solitude and embrae the Silence, we will come to hear the gentle voice of Love with our heart's ear. So Listen! listen to the still, small Voice for the Beloved's prayer to rise up within your heart. Listening is one way toward peace.

Wishing you each SPRING BLESSINGS, dear friends. Awakening from winter gestation, what joyu to hear bird song, to delight in budding bulbs and trees, to feel the gentle breezes of a new season, to smell the earth being turned over for seed planting. Let us pause often to nourish our souls in nature's beauty and new life emerging -- hope in these troubling times.

EVERY BLESSING, dear friends! Breath is out of the Spirit ... breath is lie. May we all pause in the Silence during the day, if awake at night, to breathe in PEACE ... to breahte out PEACE to every nation on earth.

BLESSINGS and WARM WISHES to ech FOS around the world! How deeply we long to love and to be loved by the unknown Mystery! May we each afirm Divine Love in the silence of our own hearts, in the anctuary of our Inner Chapel, and in the freedom of solitude. May we bask in this LOE and raiate LOVE out to the world trusing it will make a difference to someone, somewhere.

A BLESSED NEW YEAR, dear friends, as we enter our sixteenth year of radiating SILENCE out to the world. In these troubling times, may the depth of our silence be a PRAYER FOR PEACE over all the Earth. Each prayer is a seed planted with hope.

Holyday blessings, dear friends! In the Silence may be take time to ponder and be grateful for the amazing graces given to us throughout our lives: of indiviuals known and unknown ... events that may have changed our lives ... wee moments of nature's exquisite beauty ... of mery, faith, forgiveness ... near misses from disaster ... deep love given and received ... illnesses that awakened hidden insights and reserves ... guardian angels ever with us ... and, especially, the loving, companion Presence of the Beloved in our hearts.

DEEP BLESSINGS, dear friends! Let us dare to believe that each time we offer the gift of ourselves in silnce and prayer, we interconnet with untold others around the world: individual hearts untied as One with Divine Universal Love -- saving Grace for the Earth. In the Silence, may we bless one another each day with gentle joy and abiding peace ... silent loving service in action.

PEACE BE WITH YOU, dear friends! Peace is the fruit of forgiveness, integrity, and compassion ... Peace opens the door to wisdom, mystery, life ... In the Silence, may each of us create a peaceful heart: a peace-energy to be refleted in the world for our healing ... a peace crucial for the survival of Earth and all her creatures. all upon the Angel of Peace in your thoughts, words and activities. You will be guided and blessed.

EVERY GOOD WISH, dear friends! Our world cries out for our Work to beome prayer and love made visible. May we listen attentively in the silence for clear, creative guidance of how we can most life-givingly offer our selves in Service. And, as you work, may your grain of sand become a beautiful pearl.

SUMMER BLESSINGS, dear friends! May your vacations, family gatherings, and rereation traveling be balanced with inward diving into the depths of silence and solitude. Re-creation and renewal, peace and harmony become summer fruits of this inner-outer balance. Thus are you true to yourself.

EVERY BLESSING, dear friends! As we enter into the summer season of fullness, may the music of our hearts become One in a symphony of souls united in the Silence. May we pause each day in the silence to listen to the deepest Song in our hearts ... then sing it in our actions and interactions in work and leisure.

BLESSINGS, dear friends of the heart! The heart: where the Divine Guet awaits our listening silence. May we learn to dele ever more deeply into the contemplative Silence within that links our soul like a vertical beam of light to heaven and earth. Our lives beome more joyful, peaceful, and loving, increasing our reverence and honoring of ALL life.

BLESSINGS, dear friends, as we enter another life-giving Springtime season of new blossomings bursting from the earth and, hopefully, arising in our hearts as well. In the silence of early April mornings, listen for the promise of winter's gestate seeds awakening. What flowers await birth in your inner soul garden? Be still ... in the silence, you will know.

WARM GREETINGS, dear friends, as we continue to journey together united in the Silence. Blessed are you who have a friend or two with whom you can commune in silene, share and reverence one another's deepest heart-song, and call each other to be faithful to its inner truth ... a beneficial way to remain faithful to the Call of the Beloved.

Winter: q quieting time to rest in the warmth of our heart's hearth. BLESSINGS TO ALL as we enter another new year, another new beginning to awaken ever more fully to Divine Loe at work in and through us. Each one of us is in need of true inspiration ... to have the indwelling FIRE reignited so that we can live with enthusiasm: a passion for Life, purpose, and jouy. FIRE: the Falme of Love that inspires the aspirations of our hearts!

BLESSINGS OF NEW BEGINNINGS asw enter the fifteenth year of Friends of Silence ... prayers and loe sent out to over 5300 individuals in homes around the world ... rippling out from the Silence we eah carry within our heart-home drawing others to unite in the Silence: Home to the Divine Guest who dwells within all whose heart-door is open.

BLESSINGS, dear friends, throughout this holy season! May each of us become aware of the angelic presences ever close by to omfort, protect, and guide us at every moment ... and, may we be assured of those angelic beings that lovingly watch over all those who have passed on to new life, uniting them with all who have gone before them. May all who are troubled feel themseles held in the comforting wings of Love.

Peace-filled and hope-filled prayer FROM THE SILENCE, dear friends. Though our hearts are heavy, tried by fire in so many areas of our world and individual lives, may we remember that out of the deep well-springs of Silence come healing waters, the still Voice of Love, inspirations to know how to respond in these difficult times, and the courage and strength to speak out and act with great integrity and compassion. May each of us pause in the Silence for a few moments throughout the day to send peace, love, and healing to our wounded world. How each of us lives and thinks makes a BIG difference!
